
  • Lolita Fūrmane


knight opera, libretto, spoken dialogues and recitatives, Italian opera tradition, Protestant chorale, German Liedertafel


The current study focuses on the opera Das Banner von England (The Flag of England) by the 19th-century German composer Heinrich Dorn (1804–1892), which was written and first performed in Riga on November 8 (according to the Julian calendar), 1841. Until now, this four-act opera has existed in an abstract form, because the only sources for the study were posters and review columns found in periodicals of the time. In 2019 – after sheet music of the former Riga City (German) theater came into the collection of the National Library of Latvia (NLL) – Dorn’s opus was found during the cataloging process. This event has radically changed the situation in the specific field of research. The score, held by NLL, could be confirmed as the author’s manuscript, it consists of about 800 pages, in addition to several dozen orchestral parts and the libretto (the opera is composed with spoken dialogues). Therefore, for the first time, it is possible to answer the question: what does this opera really mean for the history of opera in general and for the history of Latvian opera?

Supporting Agencies
National Research Program Latvian Culture – a Resource for the Development of the Country administrated by the Latvian Scientific Council and financially supported by the project CARD (Culture Capital as a Resource for Sustainable Development of Latvia/CARD; Nr. VPP-KM-LKRVA-2020/1-0003), sub-project Music Culture in Latvia in the 1920s and 1930s, and the second half: overlooked processes, issues, problems implemented by Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music.


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