Latvian music, identity and music, gender studies, feminism, Latvian women composersAbstract
Broad and gradually growing women’s representation on the Latvian professional music scene started at the beginning of the 20th century and nowadays forms a significant part of Latvian music culture (female composers, performers, teachers, music administrators and managers, musicologists, etc.). Music by Latvian women composers Marija Gubene (1872–1947), Paula Līcīte (1889–1966), Lūcija Garūta (1902–1977), Santa Ratniece (1977) and others can be approached using the methods of historical or systematic musicology. But gender, sexuality and feminist discourse require an interdisciplinary approach, including aspects of sociology and social history, which might appear to be quite provocative within the context of Latvian music and the music history canon. Gender identity, the identity of Latvian women composers in particular, will be constructed as an aspect of the national culture identity, based on analysis of several social, political and other factors, feminist studies of Latvian literature and culture, women’s self-understanding, self-knowledge, self-criticism.
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