intonation, non-fixed pitch instruments, microtonal intonation, Georgy Ligeti, Hora lungăAbstract
Most intonation studies have been performed on music written for an equally tempered standard. Very little research has addressed microtonal intonation, and the results cannot give a definite answer regarding tendencies. However, it seems to be virtually clear that microtonal intonation has dynamics as well.
With the aim to confirm the fact of dynamics of microtonal intonation in performance and to gain deeper insights into its tendencies, I conducted a study. For my analysis, I chose Georgy Ligeti’s Hora lungă for viola solo because there was a sufficient number of recordings in CD format and available on YouTube – a total of 16 recordings.
I analysed every B3 pitch (which means the pitch is lowered by 49 cents or approximately one quartertone) in each of the sixteen performances, or twenty two pitches in each performance. I used the Praat software for frequency analysis.
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