
  • Nils Franke


piano, teaching, piano teacher, Archduke Rudolph


The paper summarises four selected research publications relevant to the topic and briefly examines three works in which Beethoven’s keyboard fingerings can be found, including one by his student Archduke Rudolph. The selection of these pieces is intentional, as it shows different facets of Beethoven’s work: that of a piano teacher, a pianist-composer, and a composition tutor who provided specific fingerings for his student’s work. The paper concludes by suggesting that, whether or not one chooses to use Beethoven’s fingerings today, they offer an insight into his pianism and musical priorities.


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Barlitz, Eveline (ed.) (1970). Die Beethoven-Sammlung in der Musikabteilung der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek. Verzeichnis. Autographe, Abschriften, Dokumente, Briefe, Mus. Db 413/42. See also: (accessedOctober 7, 2020)

Beethoven, Ludwig van (n.d.). Fingerübung mit Fingersätzen, Autograph. Beethovenhaus, Bonn, BH124. See also: (accessed October 7,2020)

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1968). “Klaviertrio WoO39.” In: Ludwig van Beethoven. Klaviertrios. Urtext [sheet music]. Vol. 3. Edited by Friedhelm Klugmann. München: G. Henle Verlag, pp. 75–82 Beethoven, Ludwig van (1975). “Fantasie op. 77.” In: Ludwig van Beethoven. Klavierstücke. Urtext [sheet music]. Edited by Otto von Irmer. München: G. Henle Verlag, pp. 168–179

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1996a). Briefwechsel. Gesamtausgabe. Edited by Sieghard Brandenburg. Vol. 3. München: G. Henle Verlag

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1996b). Briefwechsel. Gesamtausgabe. Edited by Sieghard Brandenburg. Vol. 4. München: G. Henle Verlag

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1996c). Briefwechsel. Gesamtausgabe. Edited by Sieghard Brandenburg. Vol. 6. München: G. Henle Verlag

Beethoven, Ludwig van (2020). Drei Klaviersonaten WoO47 [sheet music]. Edited by Jochen Reutter. Notes on interpretation by Nils Franke. Wien: Wiener Urtext Edition

Beethoven, Ludwig van (in press). Drei Sonatinen [sheet music]. Edited by Jochen Reutter. Notes on interpretation by Nils Franke.

Wien: Wiener Urtext Edition

Derry, Siân R. (2012). Beethoven’s Experimental Figurations and Exercises for Piano. A thesis submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities. Manchester: University of Manchester. https:// (accessed September 30, 2020)

Erzherzog Rudolph (1819). Aufgabe von Ludwig van Beethoven gedichtet, vierzig Mahl verändert und ihrem Verfasser gewidmet von seinem Schüler R: E: H [sheet music]. Wien: S. A. Steiner und Comp.

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Kerman, Joseph (ed.) (1970). Ludwig van Beethoven: Autography Miscellany from Circa 1786 to 1799. 2 vols. London: British Library

Ladenburger, Michael (2003). “Der junge Beethoven – Komponist und Pianist.” In: Bonner Beethoven Studies. Edited by Sieghart Brandenburg and Ernst Hettrich. Bonn: Beethoven-Haus Verlag, pp. 107–117

Newman, William S. (1982). “Beethoven’s Fingerings as Interpretive Clues.” The Journal of Musicology, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 171–197

Reutter, Jochen (2020). “Preface.” In: Ludwig van Beethoven. Drei Klaviersonaten WoO47 [sheet music]. Edited by Jochen Reutter. Notes on interpretation by Nils Franke. Wien: Wiener Urtext Edition, pp. IX–XIV

Reutter, Jochen (in press). “Preface.” In: Ludwig van Beethoven. Drei Sonatinen [sheet music]. Edited by Jochen Reutter. Notes on interpretation by Nils Franke. Wien: Wiener Urtext Edition, p. III

Schmidt-Görg, Joseph (1935). Katalog der Handschriften des Beethovenhauses und Beethovenarchivs. Bonn: Beethoven-Haus und Beethoven-Archiv

Starke, Friedrich (1819–1821). Wiener Pianoforte-Schule op. 108 [sheet music]. Vol. 1–3. Wien: S. A. Steiner & Co.






How to Cite

BEETHOVEN’S KEYBOARD FINGERINGS: A MASTER CLASS FOR TODAY’S PIANISTS?. (2024). Mūzikas akadēmijas Raksti, 17, 161-179.