Imants Ramiņš, Latvian music, Canadian-Latvian composer, choral musicAbstract
Latvian composer residing in Canada, Imants Ramiņš (1943), in full flourish of his life and creative activity, now has reached the zenith of recognition – his music in all continents is being performed by outstanding artists, it its performed in prestige concert halls of the world, in festivals, radio programs, etc. The scores by I. Ramiņš have been issued by such music publishers as Boosey & Hawkes, Gordon V. Thompson Music, Walton Music etc., as well as several CDs have been produced (Songs of the Lights, 1992, Earth Chants, 2002, etc.). Music reviewer Joan Reinthaler from The Washington Post places the children opera The Nightingale created in 2004 by I. Ramiņš (libretto by James Tucker, based on the motives of the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen) alongside with such famous children operas as B. Britten Noyes Fludde and E. Humperdinck Hänsel und Gretel. The way of I. Ramiņš towards so wide recognition and the key to success of his music are outlined by this article. I. Ramiņš represents the Latvian émigré generation which left Latvia in early childhood and had to develop their identity in complicated circumstances – having Latvian roots they had to find their place in cosmopolitan society.
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