jazz, jazz history, jazz musicians, Latvia, Latvian jazz history, shellac recordsAbstract
The article is dedicated to the first Latvian jazz musicians – Voldemārs Lācis, Oskars Saulespurēns, Jack Michalitzky, Eduards Ābelskalns – and their role in Latvian jazz history. The purpose of the paper is to examine the activities of these jazz musicians – the course of their lives, their creative activity in the 1930s, and their impact on the further development of Latvian jazz in the 1940s and later. The article is based on archive materials, video sources, interviews and press materials, and collections of Latvian National Museum of Literature and Music.
Latvian State Archive of Audiovisual Documents (LNA LVKFFDA)
Book of records and descriptions of records [Skaņuplašu 2. oriģinālu uzskaites un aprakstu grāmata], Bellaccord Electro, Nr. 1/5877–1568/4482.
LNA LVKFFDA, BE, matrix Nr. 5024−5029, record Nr. 3942, 3943, 3944.
Collection of Documents of the Miezitis family. [Fonds Miezīšu dzimtas dokumentu kolekcija)] Fund Nr. 51, Doc. Nr. 497. Sadzīves ainas, dokumentāls materiāls, 1925−1939.
LNA LVKFFDA, F51, Doc. Nr. 497.
Cinema journal Padomju Latvija Nr. 39, December 1957. Fond Nr.8, Doc. Nr. 1558
LNA LVKFFDA, F8, Doc. Nr. 1558
The National Museum of Literature and Music
Rezevskis, Zigurds (1938). Time and place: Rīga, Rakstniecības un mūzikas muzejā, Talsu street 1, 13. October, 2008. Interviewer I. Veitners. Digital sound file. Lenght of the recording: 1 h. Owned by I. Veitners.
Saulespurēns, Mārtiņš (1943). Time and place: Rīga, Elizabetes street, 21. November 2008. Interviewer I. Veitners. Digital sound file. Lenght of the recording: 1 h., 28 min. Owned by I. Veitners.
Zemovičs, Elmārs (1938) Time and place: Rīga, Elizabetes street, 10. October, 2008. Interviewer I. Veitners. Digital sound file. Lenght of the recording: 2 h. 20 min. Owned by I. Veitners.
Voldemārs Lācis’ collection.
Bērtiņš, Atis (1932–2020). Time and place: “Birznieki”, Rumbas parish, Kuldīga county, 21 July 2012. Interviewer I. Veitners. Digital sound file. Lenght of the recording: 2 h. 30 min. Owned by I. Veitners.
Freimane, Valentīna (1922–2018). Time and place: Rīga, Al. Čaka street 64−5, 11 December 2009. Interviewer I. Veitners. Digital sound file. Lenght of the recording: 1 h. 5 min. Owned by I. Veitners.
Linde, Zigurds (1938–2021). Time and place: Rīga, Kleistu 10−89, 8 October 2008. Interviewer I. Veitners. Digital sound file. Lenght of the recording: 1 h. Owned by I.Veitners.
Mohirs, Boriss. (1944). Time and place: Rīga. 18. March 2022. Interviewer I. Veitners. Digital sound file. Lenght of the recording: 2 h. Owned by I. Veitners.
Rezevskis, Zigurds (1938). Time and place: Rīga, Rakstniecības un mūzikas muzejā, Talsu street 1, 13. October, 2008. Interviewer I. Veitners. Digital sound file. Lenght of the recording: 1 h. Owned by I. Veitners.
Saulespurēns, Mārtiņš (1943). Time and place: Rīga, Elizabetes street, 21. November 2008. Interviewer I. Veitners. Digital sound file. Lenght of the recording: 1 h., 28 min. Owned by I. Veitners.
Zemovičs, Elmārs (1938) Time and place: Rīga, Elizabetes street, 10. October, 2008. Interviewer I. Veitners. Digital sound file. Lenght of the recording: 2 h. 20 min. Owned by I. Veitners.
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Veitners, Indriķis (2018). Latvijas džeza vēsture 1922-1940. Rīga: Musica Baltica.
Veitners, Indriķis. (2015). Piemirstais Eidis. Mūzikas Saule, nr. 2, 38.
[No title]. Jaunākās Ziņas, 04.07.1939.
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