Popular Music, Modernisation, Kingdom SCS/Yugoslavia, Radio Belgrade, Edison Bell PenkalaAbstract
This paper studies the role of popular music in shaping and contributing to the modernisation of interwar Yugoslav society. At the constant crossroads between the East and West, tradition and modernity, the Kingdom of SCS/Yugoslavia was trying to establish intensive contact with modern Western culture and to become a part of Europe. During that period, the entertainment industry was constantly growing. The entry and development of popular music in Yugoslavia can be traced through music publishing, gramophone records, radio, and the formation of popular music ensembles and bands. Therefore, archival sources, periodicals, record catalogues, printed sheet music, and other relevant literature were used to write the paper. By exploring musical genres, cultural influences, and socio-political contexts, this paper aims to highlight how popular music acted as a dynamic catalyst for change during an important period in Yugoslavia’s history.
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