
  • Alberts Rokpelnis


press releases, film music, music industry, operetta


The article analyses the representation of the term Schlager in the German Rigasche Rundschau newspaper in the period from 1919 to 1939. Schlager appeared in various contexts, especially in the German press vocabulary, and was most often interpreted as a means of expression or advertising slogan. At the same time, the understanding of Schlager as hit music stabilised. In the interwar period, the understanding of this term was characterised by its closeness to the style of operetta music and the rhythms of social dances, such as foxtrot and tango. The rapid development of audio and video media such as radio and cinema, as well as the development of the music industry, allowed hit music to reach a wide audience. In the press of the 1920s, not only were popular social dances and operetta music referred to as Schlager but also silent films. In the 1930s, under the strong influence of the music industry, the press developed the image of a hit as a song from a sound film.


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How to Cite

THE TERM SCHLAGER IN THE RIGASCHE RUNDSCHAU NEWSPAPER, 1919–1939. (2024). Mūzikas akadēmijas Raksti, 17, 105-134.