genre, librogenre music, Latvian composer's music, Peteris VasksAbstract
The genre of music in all times has shown itself both as a stable and a mobile phenomenon. Every period of development comes into view of music history with certain processes of search for novelty, changes, instability. Each age of music history gives new genres, makes corrections and embodies new tendencies and peculiarities in already existing genres. This process illuminates particularly clearly in the 20th century that has made us to reevaluate paradigms in music that had shaped and stabilized for centuries. Practically in every article or research devoted to music in our or previous century, the conclusions appear directly or indirectly about the pronounced moment of individuality, isolation, testimony of intensive ‘I’. Individualization shows in all aspects and levels of creating music – aesthetic, content, language of music, form-shape, as well as the sphere of genres. In the conditions of such satiated, intensive and multi-angular development new opuses appear, in which it is almost impossible to find any elements of traditional genres. Approbated and stable genres also go along the way of bright renewal.
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Interneta avoti
Katalogi [Latvijas komponistu skaņdarbu saraksti]. 29.10.2010. <>
Krzysztof Penderecki. 05.01.2008. <>
Music Export Lithuania [Lietuvas komponistu skaņdarbu saraksti]. 05.01.2010. <>
Musicians Data Base. Edition 49 [Igaunijas komponistu skaņdarbu saraksti]. 05.01.2010. <>
Paul Hindemith. 02.01.2010. <
Witold Lutosławski. 02.01.2010. <>
Xaver Paul Thoma. 16.11.2010. <>
Citi avoti
Vasks, Pēteris. Saruna ar Ilonu Būdenieci 2008. gadā / Diktofona sarunas atšifrējums raksta autores privātarhīvā