Jāzeps Vītols, sacred music, sacred genres, churchAbstract
Jāzeps Vitols’ work in the field of sacred music manifested with great variety and intensity. Reviewing his contribution, a broad field for research appears – both his active practical work, as well the theoretical and even the philosophically theological conclusions he left, and, of course, his extensive oeuvre in various church music genres. Still, even when not considering the broad range and confirmed historical significance of the artistic work, the aforementioned field has still not been analysed in detail.
When considering Vītols’ practical contribution in the field of sacred music, we first refer to the Baznīcas mūzikas vēstures (Church Music History) lectures at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Latvia, which were given periodically between 1926 and 1936. For the first time, there was serious and thorough work invested in the creation of music that was appropriate for church ceremonies – for example, Meldiju grāmata Latvijas evaņģēliski luteriskajām draudzēm (Song Book for Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Congregations), published in 1924, as well as compositions for certain liturgical sections, vespers, cantatas, etc.
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Vītols, Annija (1963). Lappuses manā atmiņu grāmatā. Vītols, Jāzeps (1963) Manas dzīves atmiņas. Uppsala, 183.–229. lpp.; pārpublicēts: (1999) Jāzeps Vītols tuvinieku, audzēkņu un laikabiedru atmiņās. Rīga: JVLMA, Zinātne, 33.–78. lpp.
Vītols, Annija (1964). Dieva godam. Profesors Jāzeps Vītols baznīcas mūzikas darbā. Latvijas evaņģēliski luteriskais baznīcas kalendārs 1965. gadam. Glenviera, 76.–83. lpp.; pārpublicēts: (1999) Jāzeps Vītols tuvinieku, audzēkņu un laikabiedru atmiņās. Rīga: JVLMA, Zinātne, 80.–81. lpp.
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Vītols, Jāzeps (1988). Manas dzīves atmiņas. Sast. O. Grāvītis. Rīga: Liesma
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