Latvian schools and teachers in the 18th/19th century, instrumental performance, choir singing, the song festival traditionAbstract
At the end of 1720, the first representatives of the recently re-established Herrnhut / Upper Lusatian Moravian Church arrived in Livland (nowadays Vidzeme). At the end of 1730, the local peasants accepted the ideas they brought, and the Moravian Church became a reality in many locations in the province of Livland. By 1742, it had accepted approximately 3000 peasants. Gradually, overcoming varied obstacles, among them the ban on the movement in 1742/1743, the Moravian Church grew both in territorial scope and in numbers, and by the 19th century it had more than 30,000 members, and the number of supporters was even greater. The Moravian Church influenced many varied areas of life in Livland, including the music culture of the local inhabitants.
ABU, 19 = Archiv der Evangelischen Brüder-Unität, R. 19, G.a. 8.8.A; G.a. 3.25
Hahn, Hans-Christoph, und Hellmut Reichel (Hrsg., 1977). Zinzendorf und die Herrnhuter Brüder: Quellen zur Geschichte der Brüder-Unität von 1722 bis 1760. Hamburg: Friedrich Wittig Verlag
LVVA, 233-1-846: 641 = Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhīvs, 233. f. (Vidzemes virskonsistorija), 1. apr., 846. l., 641. lp.
LVVA, 234-1-14 = Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhīvs, 234. f. (Vidzemes luterisko baznīcu vizitācijas protokoli), 1. apr., 14. l.
LVVA, 234-1-41: 312–313 = Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhīvs, 234. f. (Vidzemes luterisko baznīcu vizitācijas protokoli), 1. apr., 41. l., 312.–313. lp.
LVVA, 237-1-1 = Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhīvs, 237. f. (Vidzemes brāļu draudze), 1. apr., 1. l.
[Neikens Juris] (1865). Dziesmu svētki, trešā vasarsvētku dienā 1864. Dikļos un 1865. Matīšos svētīti [sākums; turpinājums 20., 21. nr.]. Ceļa Biedris 19, 141.–143. lpp.
Straube Gvido (2000). Vidzemes brāļu draudzes diārijs (jaunākais noraksts) jeb Hernhūtiešu brāļu draudzes vēsture Latvijā. Rīga: N.I.M.S.