
  • Deniss Hanovs


opera seria, Europe, critics, aristocracy, the 18th century, Enlightenment


The article deals with the issue of the critical discourse of the Enlightenment in the development of Italian opera seria in the Ancien Régime culture. The major question reflected upon in the article is as follows – how to interpret opera seria as a cultural text of late 18th century society? The concept of the article is mainly shaped by the anthropological theoretical frame, the interpretive turn, which analyses arts as a social frame of collective discourses (a concept proposed by Clifford Geertz in the 1970s). Thus opera seria, according to various researchers, can be analysed as a space for collective identities and images of a society.


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How to Cite

OPERA SERIA AND CRITICS OF THE EUROPEAN ARISTOCRACY WITHIN THE 18th CENTURY ENLIGHTENMENT CULTURE. (2024). Mūzikas akadēmijas Raksti, 11, 100-116. https://scriptamusica.lv/index.php/mar/article/view/102